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EntryScape Catalog manages and publishes catalogs with datasets, data services and distributions following recommended metadata standards, such as DCAT-AP. It makes it possible for all kinds of organizations to describe the same kind of data in the same way and to share data in a standardized manner that makes it easy for others to search, find and use the data.

Hierachical overview of EntryScape Catalog Example of a catalog with datasets, distributions, API:s, files and visualizations.

On the start page you can find the catalogs that you have already created or gotten access to. You can also see if the catalogs are public or not, meaning if they are searchable by others. If you can't see any catalog here, you will need to start by creating one or ask the group admin for access permissions.

Overview of catalogs

Create a new catalog

Click on the Create button to create a new catalog.

Create button

If your organization has a need to choose between several types of projects, you get to start by choosing project type for your catalog (for example a metadata standard). The standard is DCAT-AP and for geospatial data GeoDCAT-AP.

Dialog for creating a catalog

Then enter the name of the catalog, a title, such as ”Hedestad municipality open data catalog”. The title should be short and remember that all the words in title will be searchable. Enter a short description and publisher, for example "Hedestad municipality".

A catalog is always non-public when created. The user who created the catalog automatically becomes the group manager, which means that he or she administers the user access to that catalog for other users.

Many data portals expect only one data catalog per organization, but in some situations it can be better if different departments/units create and maintain their own catalogs.

Permissions and sharing settings

In EntryScape Catalog a user can generally be either a group manager or a member with read and write permissions. The group manager can give other users access to a catalog and make the catalog public. Members can edit the metadata of the catalog and create and manage datasets, distributions, suggestions etc for the catalog, but not publish catalogs. You can be a member of one or several catalogs depending on your work role and how data is organized.

If needed it's possible to get a higher level of permissions in specific cases, admin permissions, if you contact the MetaSolutions support. In such cases your organization must already have established a work routine, work group and metadata management or open data work in the management organization.

If you don't have access to a catalog, you need to contact the group manager (or admin) for that catalog in your organization. (The person responsible is likely the head of the department, manager or similar.)

Group managers can change sharing settings for other users by clicking on the three-point menu and choose "Sharing settings".

Menu option Sharing settings

There you can add and remove users to the group who has access to a catalog. To add a user to the group, click on "Add user to group". You can also choose which level of permissions the user should have (group manager or member) by clicking on icon before the name.

Permission settings for users of a catalog

To remove a user from the group, click on the three-point menu and choose "Remove".

Menu option Remove user from group

Enter more information about the catalog

When you have created a catalog, it's recommended that you describe it with more detailed information. Click on the three-point menu and choose "Edit".

Menu option Edit catalog Redigera katalog

The more detailed information you provide for the meta data you publish, the easier it is for others to find and reuse.

The popup window contain input fields on three different levels: mandatory information (* must be entered), recommended information (good to provide) and optional information. You can turn on and off which input fields you want to see by using the slide buttons at the top.

You already filled in the mandatory fields Title, Description and Publisher when you created your catalog. Depending on the chosen profile, you will see different input fields. Below you see the recommended and optional input fields belonging to the Swedish standard metadata profile DCAT-AP-SE.

Buttons to turn on and off recommended and optionals fields

Release date: Creation date. It is generally more useful to set creation dates for the different parts of a catalog, such as datasets.

Language: Language or languages used in the metadata. You can add more languages if datasets exist in more than one language.

Date modified: Date when the catalog was last changed.

Homepage: Web address to the main page of the catalog.

Named geographical area: Name of county, municipality or town etc. You can select area by using the magnifying glass. You can easily add several geogeographical areas.

License: License applying for using or re-using the catalog.

Theme Taxonomy: Standard list with themes used to classify datasets in the catalog. (Contains for example "Population and society", "Environment" and "Transport" etc.)

Optional fields

Attribution text: Text used for attribution, e.g. name of publisher or contributing group.

Attribution URL: URL to be used together with attribution, e.g. URL to homepage of publisher.

Copyright notice: Copyright message associated with declaration of rights. Typically used when describing the origin of the data.

Copyright statement: Link (URL) to page often including both copyright and general guidance for re-use.

Copyright year: The year from which copyright of the content is asserted.

Copyright holder: Reference to the organization that holds copyright over the content.

Jurisdiction: Reference (URI) to the jurisdiction in which copyright and/or database rights have been asserted, usually a country or region.

Guidelines for re-users: Link (URL) to document that provides guidelines for re-users of data that is covered by a specific rights statement.

Has part: Refers to a related catalog that is part of the described catalog.

Is part of: Refers to a related catalog in which the described catalog is included.

Catalog: Catalog whose contents are of interest in the context of this catalog.

Service: Data service that is listed in the catalog.

Remove catalog

To remove a catalog, click on the three-point menu and choose "Remove".

Menu option Remove catalog