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Blocks introduced in opendata extension

The main part of the opendata extension is the extra blocks it defines. Below we divide them into standalone and supportive blocks. In most cases it should be enough to use one of the standalone blocks with the supported parameters listed below.

Standalone blocks - views and layouts

The following blocks are stand alone, meaning in most cases it is enough to embed a single one of these on a webpage. You will notice that many of the parameters are the same across these blocks, the reason being that they use different combinations of more underlying supportive blocks. These supportive blocks are listed in the following section.


Use this block on a landing page for a dataset. The dataset to show is detected from parameters in the url.

parameter value explanation
hl number the heading level to start with in the block, default is 1
pageInUrl boolean adds a query parameter to the url to enable search-bots crawling. Also enables navigating back to last page no
includeExtras boolean include showcases and ideas, default is false
includeVisualizations boolean include visualizations as a list after all other data, default is false
includeTabbedVisualizations boolean include visualization in a tabbed view at the top, default is false
includeAutoVisualizations boolean include automatic visualizations for wms distributions (Use if no visualizations are added in Entryscape or if they are not harvested on e.g. a portal)
includeDataPreview boolean include preview of tabular data, default is false
includeIndicators boolean shows indicators, default is false. Indicators only works as expected when run against an EntryScape Registry due to some metadata being cached differently there.
clickExpand boolean click anywhere on distribution row expands the metadata, default is true
registry boolean set to true if the block is used against harvested data in EntryScape Registry to enable improved lookup of filenames


Use this block on a landing page for a data service. Which data service to show is detected from parameters in the url.

parameter value explanation
hl number the heading level to start with in the block, default is 1
includeIndicators boolean shows indicators, default is false


Use this block for an expandable list of datasets.

parameter value explanation
hl number the heading level to start with in the block, default is 1
pageInUrl boolean adds a query parameter to the url to enable search-bots crawling. Also enables navigating back to last page no
includeExtras boolean include showcases and ideas, default is false
includeVisualizations boolean include visualizations as a list after all other data, default is false
includeTabbedVisualizations boolean include visualization in a tabbed view at the top, default is false
includeAutoVisualizations boolean include automatic visualizations for wms distributions (Use if no visualizations are added in Entryscape or if they are not harvested on e.g. a portal)
includeDataPreview boolean include preview of tabular data, default is false
includeIndicators boolean shows indicators, default is false. Indicators only works as expected when run against an EntryScape Registry due to some metadata being cached differently there.
clickExpand boolean click anywhere on distribution row expands the metadata, default is true
sortOrder string a sort order specified according to the Entrystore documentation on sorting
registry boolean set to true if the block is used against harvested data in EntryScape Registry to enable improved lookup of filenames


parameter value explanation
hl number the heading level to start with in the block, default is 2
pageInUrl boolean adds a query parameter to the url to enable search-bots crawling. Also enables navigating back to last page no
includeExtras boolean include showcases and ideas, default is false
includeVisualizations boolean include visualizations as a list after all other data, default is false
includeTabbedVisualizations boolean include visualization in a tabbed view at the top, default is false
includeAutoVisualizations boolean include automatic visualizations for wms distributions (Use if no visualizations are added in Entryscape or if they are not harvested on e.g. a portal)
includeDataPreview boolean include preview of tabular data, default is false
sortOrder string a sort order specified according to the Entrystore documentation on sorting


parameter value explanation
hl number the heading level to start with in the block, default is 2
pageInUrl boolean adds a query parameter to the url to enable search-bots crawling. Also enables navigating back to last page no
includeExtras boolean include showcases and ideas, default is false
includeVisualizations boolean include visualizations as a list after all other data, default is false
includeTabbedVisualizations boolean include visualization in a tabbed view at the top, default is false
includeAutoVisualizations boolean include automatic visualizations for wms distributions (Use if no visualizations are added in Entryscape or if they are not harvested on e.g. a portal)
includeDataPreview boolean include preview of tabular data, default is false
sortOrder string a sort order specified according to the Entrystore documentation on sorting


parameter value explanation
hl number the heading level to start with in the block, default is 2
pageInUrl boolean adds a query parameter to the url to enable search-bots crawling. Also enables navigating back to last page no
includeExtras boolean include showcases and ideas, default is false
includeVisualizations boolean include visualizations as a list after all other data, default is false
includeTabbedVisualizations boolean include visualization in a tabbed view at the top, default is false
includeAutoVisualizations boolean include automatic visualizations for wms distributions (Use if no visualizations are added in Entryscape or if they are not harvested on e.g. a portal)
includeDataPreview boolean include preview of tabular data, default is false
break string a width, typically given in pixels that indicates when the two column should be transformed into a single column with a expandable filter in a responsive manner. The default value is 1024px.
sortOrder string a sort order specified according to the Entrystore documentation on sorting


parameter value explanation
hl number the heading level to start with in the block, default is 2
pageInUrl boolean adds a query parameter to the url to enable search-bots crawling. Also enables navigating back to last page no
includeDataPreview boolean include preview of tabular data, default is false
includeIndicators boolean shows indicators, default is false
includeAutoVisualizations boolean include automatic visualizations for wms distributions (Use if no visualizations are added in Entryscape or if they are not harvested on e.g. a portal)
break string a width, typically given in pixels that indicates when the two column should be transformed into a single column with a expandable filter in a responsive manner. The default value is 1024px.
sortOrder string a sort order specified according to the Entrystore documentation on sorting

HTML validation

In some cases validation tools will comment on the generated HTML structure. The structure can be slightly changed to avoid the comments. This is done by setting the global parameter strictStandardHtml to true.
As attribute on the data-entryscape-config tag data-strict-standard-html = "true" Or in JSON format for e.g. config handlebar template or config file strictStandarHtml: true

Supportive blocks - used by views and layouts

If your needs cannot be fullfilled with the standalone blocks you can use these supportive blocks to have more complete control. Note that the majority of the standalone blocks are constructed by combining the supportive blocks, for instance if we look at the handlebar template of datasetSimpleSearchLayout:

{{datasetSearch}}{{datasetResults}}{{datasetList includeExtras="inherit" 
  includeVisualizations="inherit" includeDataPreview="inherit" hl="inherit"}}

We see that it uses the datasetSearch, datasetResults and datasetList blocks that are defined below.

Note: many of the blocks below extend a single existing built-in block by providing default parameters for them, if this is the case we indicate this at the start of each block definition below. This will make it easier to look up that block and see which additional parameters that are available. A few blocks are more complicated by utilizing a combination of several blocks, this is accomplished by extending the template block.


Extends simpleSearch


Extends multiSearch


Extends results


Extends searchList Used by all standalone search layouts datasetSimpleSearchLayout, datasetMultiSearchLayout, datasetFacetSearchLayout and datasetFacetSearchPortalLayout. Defines datasetList for reuse by datasetExport and datasetResults


Extends facets


Extends template. Adds style for media query to hide and show facets and mobile filters. The break parameter on datasetFacetSearchLayout and datasetFacetSearchPortalLayout can be used to change default 1024px break point;


Extends template. Adds export blocks with preset format and use datasetList