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Workspaces in Workbench are called projects and they in turn contain different types of entities (objects).

On the main page you can see projects that you have already created or have access to. It also shows whether the project is public or not, i.e. whether it is searchable by others. If you do not see a project here, you need to start by creating one, or ask for permission to the project by the group manager.

Overview view of projects

Create a project

To create a new project, click on the “Create” button.

Create button

If your organization has several different types of projects to choose from, you must first select Project type for your project. The project type also determines which entity types will be included in your project.

Create project dialog

Next, fill in the project name, i.e. a title such as “Document management”. Keep in mind that the title should be short and that all the words will be searchable. Also fill in a short project description.

A newly created project is always non-public. The creator of the project automatically becomes the group manager for it, which means that you manage other users' access to the project.

Permissions and sharing settings

In EntryScape Workbench a user can generally be either a group manager or a member with read and write permissions. The group manager can give other users access to a project and publish the project. Members can edit the metadata of the project and create and manage entities for the project, but not publish. You can be a member of one or several projects depending on your work role and how data is organized.

If needed it's possible to get a higher level of permissions in specific cases, admin permissions, if you contact the MetaSolutions support. In such cases your organization must already have established a work routine, work group and metadata management or open data work in the management organization.

If you don't have access to the project you should work with, you need to ask the group manager (or admin) for access to that project. (The person responsible is likely the head of the department, manager or similar in your organization.)

Group managers can change sharing settings for other users by clicking on the three-point menu and choose "Sharing settings".

Menu option Sharing settings

There you can add and remove users to the group who has access to a project. To add a user to the group, click on "Add user to group". You can also choose which level of permissions the user should have (group manager or member) by clicking on icon before the name.

Permission settings for users of a catalog

To remove a user from the group, click on the three-point menu and choose "Remove".

Menu option Remove user from group

Edit project

You can edit the information about your project by clicking on the three-dot menu and selecting “Edit”.

Menu item Edit project

In edit mode you can change information or add information in different languages.

Edit project

Configure entity types

It is only in special cases that you need to go in and add or remove entity types, as in most cases entity types are already predefined in the selected project type for the project. If you need to change entity types for a project, you can click on the three-dot menu for a project and select “Configure entity types”.

Menu item configure entity types

If you already have a predefined project type to start from, the entity types cannot be changed, as in the case of the project type “Tourism” below where the entity types are grayed out and thus locked.

Configure entity types, locked

In other cases where you need to go in and change entity types, you can select which entity types you want to have in the project.

Configure entity types, selectable

Remove project

To remove a project, click on the project's three-dot menu and select “Remove”. Menu item Remove project