Detailed information
If you click on the information icon, you will open a dialog showing more detailed metadata for a document, an event, a work of art or other entity of your choice.
You can find the information icon both in the list of entities and on the overview page for a single entity.
You will see three tabs in the dialog window that pops up: "Information", "About" and "References".
In the first tab, "Information", you will find metadata for your chosen entity, including all other entities that your entity links to.
In the second tab, "About", you will find the URI to your entity. It's a quick way to find and copy the URI when you need to refer to it elsewhere.
In the third tab, "References", you will find all entities that refer to your entity.
In the top right corner there are two language icons, that allow you to view the information in the three tabs in different languages.
If you click on the globe icon you will see all metadata about your entity presented in all entered languages simultaneously. To turn off all languages and return to the original one language, click on the globe icon one more time.
You may also view your metadata in one language at a time by clicking on the right language icon and choose language from a long list.