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EntryScape Models offers specifications as a way of enriching vocabularies and profiles with diagrams, related documents, web pages and other resources. Each specification is formally expressed using the Profiles vocabulary and is given a unique identifier (a URI), to refer to it from other sources.

Example of a specification with related resources

You can create new specifications from scratch, to refer to from other applications such as EntryScape Catalog, or share with other people.

Click on "Create" to start writing on a new specification.

Create new specification

Create new specification

If you want to enter more than just the mandatory information, click on "Recommended" and "Optional" to show more input fields.

Create new specification, recommended and optional fields

Mandatory fields

  • Web address - URI for the specification

  • Specification type - There are two types of specifications: "Normal" and "Profile". A normal specification is mainly a stand-alone, self-contained specification, while a profile specification builds upon one or several already existing specifications.

  • Publisher - Organization responsible for making the specification available

  • Is profile of - A specification for which this profile defines constraints, extensions, or which is uses in combination with other or provides explanation of its usage

  • Title - A name given to the specification

  • Description - An account of the resource

  • Identifier - The preferred identifier for the specification for use in circumstances when its URI can't be used

  • Contact point - Contact information to be used for reporting errors or sending comments to

  • Has resource - A resources that defines a particular part or feature of a specification

  • Keyword - Keywords that describe which kind of dataset(s) the specification is relevant for

  • Date issued - Publication date for the specification

  • Date modified - Last date when the specification was modified

Optional fields

  • Theme - Indicates what kind of dataset(s) the specification is relevant for. A specification may have more than one theme.

  • Status - The status of the specification in the context of a particular workflow process

  • Previous version - Link to the previous version of the specification

  • Latest version - Link to the current or latest version of the specication

  • Next version - Link to the next version fo the specification

Edit or Remove specification

You can edit your specification anytime by clicking the Edit button. Then you can change most of the information for your specification, except for the Web address which you can change if you click on "Change link" instead.

To remove a specification, click on "Remove".

Edit or remove specification

Preview specification

To get a preview of your specification, click on "Preview".

Preview specification

Add resource

If you want to add a resource to your specification, click on the magnifying class next to "Resources".

Add resource to specification

You can either link to an existing resource or create a new resource from scratch, to be added to your specification.

Link or create resource to specification