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A namespace is a reference (URI) to a uniquely identified set of metadata that can be used and reused to support interoperability between domains. It works mainly as an abbreviation for a URI so that it doesn't have to be repeated every time you refer to a namespace.

If you want to reuse an already existing namespace, click on "Import". To create a new namespace, click on "Create".

Create buttons for namespaces

Reuse namespace

EntryScape Models offers a number of common all-purpose built-in namespaces, such as dcat, dcterms, foaf, rdf, rdfs, skos, vcard and more. You can choose to reuse one or several existing namespaces. Just select the ones you want to use by clicking the check boxes.

List of reused namespaces to choose from

You can use and refer to both reused namespaces and custom namespaces that you have created yourself in the same model.

Create namespace

Click on "Create" and fill in the mandatory fields Abbreviation, Namespace (URL) and Full title.

The purpose of the abbreviation is to easily refer to the namespace when filling in information for entities belonging to this namespace, without having to write the full URL again and again.

Create namespace

Click on "Create" so save.

Edit or remove namespace

When you have reused or created namespaces, they are listed on the namespace overview page. The reused namespaces can't be edited, as opposed to the custom namespace you created yourself and are able to edit.

List of namespaces

If you click on the title of your namespace, you get to the detailed overview for that namespace. Here you can click the buttons to edit the namespace, set as default or remove the namespace.

List of namespaces

The namespaces you enter here will be visible in other parts of Models, for example when creating a class. By setting a namespace as "default", it will appear as "default" when presented in a list.

Select field with namespaces when creating a class

To remove a namespace, just click the "Remove" button.