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Managing users, groups and projects

The Admin module manages users, groups and projects. These entities can be found in separate tabs which contain a search field and a list of matching entities. By default all entities are shown.

Creating a user, group or project

The creation button at the top triggers a dialog where information about the entity which is to be created is requested.

All other operations are available through the list - the operations are specific for the entity types. A button with a cog wheel is shown when hovering over a list item.

Operations specific for users


Changes the metadata of the user (default action when clicking directly on the list entry).

Change username

Change password

Sharing settings

Changes the ACL of the user.

Groups memberships

Changes the the user's group memberships.

Disable user

Disables the user. A disabled user cannot login, but the user's data remains in the system.


Deletes the user.

Operations specific for groups


Changes the metadata of the group (default action when clicking directly on the list entry).

Sharing settings

Changes the ACL of the group.


Changes the members of the group.


Deletes the group.

Operations specific for projects


Changes the metadata of the project (default action when clicking directly on the list entry).

Sharing settings

Changes the ACL of the project.


Deletes the project.